Feng Shui Workshop for Cape Town's Energy with Gideon le Roux

Sat May 25, 09:30 - Sat May 25, 15:30

Soul Holistic Center & Crystal Shop


Transform your home and environment with Feng Shui



Discover how to embrace the water and mountain energies to promote prosperity, health, and overall well-being. Use the art of placement to create spaces overflowing with harmony.

Unlock the mystique of Feng Shui in this exclusive workshop with renowned expert Gideon Le Roux.

Gideon has traveled worldwide teaching people the ancient art of maximising harmony and energy in the space around you. This workshop is particularly interesting as we have the energy of the mountain and the sea to work with.

Learn the art of placement, the flow of elements and auspicious directions. See how to arrange space to optimise energy and live in harmony with natural flow. Discover how Feng Shui principles can transform your home and life.


Learn the principles of Feng Shui in the Southern Hemisphere designed especially for the vibrant city of Cape Town hosted by Gideon le Roux.

Join us for an immersive experience that delves deep into the

art and science of harmonizing energies in this breathtaking corner of

the world.


Understanding Southern Hemisphere Feng Shui:


While Feng Shui principles have been widely practiced across the

world, the Southern Hemisphere presents its own set of unique

dynamics. In our workshop, we will explore how the energy patterns

differ below the equator and how these distinctions can be harnessed

to create balance and positive chi in your living spaces.


Cape Town's Energy Blueprint:


Nestled between the majestic Table Mountain and the glistening waters

of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, Cape Town boasts a distinctive

energy that requires a specialized approach to Feng Shui. Our workshop

will delve into the specific characteristics of Cape Town's energy,

guiding you on how to harness and enhance the natural forces that

surround this enchanting city.


Key Workshop Highlights:


Orientation and Alignment: Learn the significance of cardinal

directions in the Southern Hemisphere and how to align your living and

working spaces to maximize positive energy flow.


Water and Mountain Energies: Explore the impact of the surrounding

oceans and mountains on Feng Shui in Cape Town. Discover how to

embrace the water and mountain energies to promote prosperity, health,

and overall well-being.


Elemental Balancing: Understand the elemental forces at play in the

Southern Hemisphere and discover how to balance them within your home

using traditional Feng Shui remedies and enhancements.


Cape Town Feng Shui Case Studies: Delve into real-life examples of

Cape Town homes and businesses that have successfully implemented Feng

Shui principles, illustrating the transformative power of these

ancient practices.


Practical Applications: Receive hands-on guidance on applying Feng

Shui principles to your own living or working space. Our expert,

Gideon le Roux will provide personalized tips and recommendations.


Limited Spaces Available! Secure Your Spot:


Join our workshop to connect with like-minded individuals, gain

valuable insights, and embark on a journey to harmonize your

surroundings and enhance your life. Embrace the unique energy of the

Southern Hemisphere and let the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui guide you

to a more balanced and harmonious existence. Reserve your spot today

and step into a world where positive energies flow effortlessly!


Feng Shui Workshop for Cape Town's Energy with Gideon le Roux
Soul Holistic Center & Crystal Shop
10 Surcingle Ave, Hout Bay, Cape Town, 7806
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