


from 8 reviews
"Ah-mazing!!! "
- Amy Gabriella
"The event was amazing!..the set up,organization,professionalism….everything on point! Last year was great and this year was greater. I have no doubt next year will be jaw dropping. You guys are great congratulations on a beautiful event looking forward to what you will have for us next year!"
- Precious
"Amazing event, well organized!"
- Anonymous
"The event was an enjoyable experience with a lot of insights and take aways. I appreciated the fact that the numbers were controlled that allowed for comfortable day. I would suggest that the organiser's manage their time and schedule better next time as the event was way behind time."
- Anonymous
"Good job team, I can see the event is growing from year to year. Positives: - Helpful on ground team. - Turn out was great. - Location was central. - Good food and clean facilities. - Great presentation with J from Disruptive. - Good opportunities to network, business card exchanges and contacts etc. Areas of improvement are: - Time management of the various discussions. Starting and finishing within time makes a better attendee experience. - Quality of the discussions, some panels were not well moderated, better value was derived from the Question and Answer sessions. - Too many panelists on discussions making it hard to get great value from speakers as not everyone spoke enough, this also came out differently from panels to panel depending on the preparedness' and skill of the moderator. - Adequate number of seats, it was hard to move away from sessions because you'd loose your seat which made it hard to attend other sessions for fear of losing a seat in the main discussion room."
- Anonymous

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